Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Introducing, the incredible "TouchDesigner"!

Introducing, the incredible "TouchDesigner"!

I'm Joshua Campbell, a New Media Artist at the University of Tampa. I will be exploring TouchDesigner over the next 12 weeks as part of an independent study course (FMX 492) under the supervision and mentorship of Professor Santiago Echeverry.

The first step in my journey is acquiring the software... I have downloaded and installed the Non-Commercial version, but plan on purchasing the Educational version ASAP! I specifically want to explore the extended features including NDI streaming over LAN, RTSP video to web, Shared memory locations, Exporting H.264 movies in realtime, and rendering high resolution content.

TouchDesigner is available at:

Download TOUCHDESIGNER by Derivative

Download TouchDesigner by Derivative, Installations, 3D projections, Live music visuals, VR worlds. Come play with the ultimate tool for creating dynamic digital art.

Licensing Options:

Non – Commercial – FREE – For personal use or learning. Not for paying projects. Resolution is limited to 1280x1280. 

EDUCATIONAL - $300 – For schools, faulty, and students. Not for paying projects. Use max resolution of your GPU; Export H.264 movies in realtime; Leuze LIDAR scanner support; Shared memory operators; NDI streaming video over LAN; Stream RTSP video to web.

Over the coming weeks, I'll be exploring the software, as well as integration / implementation in a variety of projects and exercises. I will attempt to document my process and journey in a way that others can follow along with on their own. This process however, will not be completely streamlined for other TouchDesigner students, as it will include my failures and other explorations of physical computing outside the direct relevance to the software. As you may have guessed, the larger topic my journey points to includes Installation Art, Live Performance, and Multimedia development.